Disaster Prepare Ltd
Earthquake Safety Audits for building contents
Seismic Restraints for building contents - Design - Manufacture - Installation - NZS 4104 compliant
Staff safety training - Earthquake - Tsunami - Discovering a Fire - Emergency Warden - Spill Response
Disaster Prepare Ltd are multi award winning earthquake safety professionals specialising in the often overlooked area of seismic safety for building contents. We are trusted suppliers of earthquake safety services to Laboratories, Govt. departments, corporates and medical facilities in New Zealand.
We are currently the only specialised service provider installing and certifying seismic restraints for Laboratories in New Zealand.
Adapted aerospace technology to address the limitations of traditional bench mounted seismic restraints. Our Seismic-Rail-System® provides an unobtrusive NZS-4104 compliant solution to compliment modern Lab design.
29/20 William Earp Place - Tawa - Wellington - 5028
117 Taylor Terrace, Tawa, 5028
Wellington Region
64 21 239 6719